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2:15 AM Tuesday, June 22, 2010 back to top?

harus bersyukur
-Taken from, Edward Monkton book.

Ive been wondering about the near future alot these days.
About what's life gonna be like after this, my career, my soulmate, material things eg. : cars, house as well as parents. -Why parents? haha.. Hmm.. im just thinking about 'to take care of them in their old days'. (;

Also there's the part about wanting to have more money and to be rich.
I realised something. As time goes by, we tend to want even more than our previous wants/or even needs.

For example, my salary was $300. Then i think its not enough, so i worked hard. When i worked hard my salary grew and i'd gotten $450 but still even if my pay keeps increasing i still want more and more.. ! Because the thought of NOT ENOUGH...! Wanting to spend on certain things like food, clothes, cosmetics and eventually the thought of wanting to get a driving license and so on! -You get the picture.

So just now. I read the Quran-as in the tafsir.
As usual, whenever my Tafsir/Quran is in my hands, before opening up the pages.. I would think of a question or just pray to God about something (maybe to come up with a solution or ask god why am i feeling this or show me the right path and so on)..

Anyways, when i opened the page.. The Page's tittle was An Naml (Semut), Juz 19.

So it said, in ayat 19, An Naml: Maka dia tersenyum dengan tertawa kerana (mendengar) perkataan semut itu. Dan dia berdoa: "Ya Tuhanku, berilah aku ilham untuk tetap mensyukuri nikmatMu yang telah Engkau anugerahkan kepadaku dan kepada dua orang ibu bapakku dan untuk mengerjakan amal saleh yang Engkau ridhai; dan masukkanlah aku dengan rahmatMu ke dalam golongan hamba-hambaMu yang saleh".

THEN DANG! The text answers my questions.
Ive been not syukur with what i had these days ey. Im sorry.
And yeah. Thanks.. for showing me the right path-telling me what to do in life. Iaitu dalam menuju hidup dunia ini dengan mengerjakan amal saleh. Thanks god, i choose Nursing(; -Nursing is one thing, i meant other than nursing too.
Hmm.. Also im thankful for not losing my way. And i hope not to lose my way either!. Haha.

Lesson of the day, harus sentiasa bersyukur dengan apa yang anda ada. (:


11:45 PM Wednesday, June 9, 2010 back to top?

flawless skin. greens
Today Wednesday, was kinda good.
Prettyy crazy but in the end it is all good.

I had 3 tests today. Bio, Lab skills retest and sociology.
Lab skills retest.. Thanks god i passed. AMIN (:
Sociology.. Even though my head was hurting and kepala pening, still i think it was pretty alright.. can pass punyer haha.

Sociology tests starts from 6-7pm.
So once i went out of the lecture room.. im like "Woaaahh... Biru! Pretty (:" haha. - Sebab nak dekat masuk maghrib ape.

Then once out of school walking.. I feel pretty good.
I told myself this "I like the smell after the rain". Haha. Aww.. you know.. BREEZE and Rain!
I love it. Pretty refreshing.

These days, ive been feeling alot of things.
Places to go and revisit. Missing friends and wishing for meet up.
Feeling light (:

I love the SKY man! :D
Yea.. Sadly, i couldnt come for star gazing session this 11June, because i got work. Maybe next session hees.

I have a STRONG URGE to lie down in the grass and just watch the skies as i lay to sleep, with my blanket. Haha.
Can we do that again? Hehe (:


10:46 PM Tuesday, June 8, 2010 back to top?

shooting star. wish
So i msged Charlie in the night, while sitting, waiting for my bus.

Asyura: Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky,
Are like shooting stars? (:

Charlie: I could really use a wish right now. Wish right now.

I really like this sentence. It is really niceee! Haha. (:
Yea.. I like this kind of thing. Metaphor and similarities. HEES.

Waddya wanna wish for?
All i wish for is, You.

After school, i wanted to study. So, i decided to go to Marine Parade library(:Hees.
As usual.. Lots of scenes and memories i couldnt forget. Haha.
Asyura asyura... Youre really a sucker. ): sad-yet-nostalgically-happy! Blehh.

I kept on reminding of you again and again.
Lots of stuffs, e.g.:
'Hey, this is the place where we met and study together. The table we always go to. You're always the smart one helping and teaching me.
Hey, that is the school you used to go to. The school you wanted to go. Your secondary school, your JC school. My bus used to pass by your school, and i know that my heart would always be in anticipation in coincidentally meeting you. Haha. Yea i now.. im lovesick.
Hey, that is the bus stop i coincidentally saw you from across my bus.'

YES, i know. What the hell? Yeah.

Ok fine! In the end, my memory lane journey ended.
Thereby, enough about 'down to memory lane', and just get back to reality again. Hahs yeah..
Aww.. Harsh! Haha.
Hmmm... But i was really happy. Revisiting back the past. (:

In my mind, after all that today had happened..
I questioned/asked someone (deep inside my heart), "How are you doing now? (:"

Hey Annisaa! :D
Im scared to admit it. But I think me and Charlie, cant make it. Haha.
Maybe.. Goodbye to awesome-friend ive been talking with from 2009 October to 2010 June. Haha.
Man.. its like im putting a R.I.P sign siaa. haha. But hey, maybe im wrong!? Hees.

Its ok to dream sometime, if it makes you happy!
But yeahh. Sad isnt it? That dream or what you wish didnt come true.): -Nahh.. im talking to myself. Haha.

Thats why.. Lets-Play-Pretend.
Can we pretend like this never happened
And that yesterday Wasnt just a dream
-But i know that those days are gone (gone gone) and just memories(oh oh)


1:08 AM Saturday, June 5, 2010 back to top?

laptop dilemma :'(
Heyy .. Im sadd..
My laptop cannot work. SPOIL. Cannot ON. Even charge have no light :(

You know what happen...
The laptop the near the end of the battery side broke, making the screen to be hanging one leveled stabled, another not leveled (high up).

Alright, so yesterday eventhough when i first open the laptop TOP cover.. It was kinda normal..
-I open the laptop cover to less than 90degree. Then later i close the Top cover then open it to more than 90degree (but less than 130 degree).. SUDDENLY the side broke!. -my laptop can open top will 13odegree, i know ok.
(So yeahh i thought it was my fault that i open ganas.. so yeahh)
Then when i shut down, and then few hours later i ON, CANNOT ON! Even WHEN CHARGE THERE WAS NO LIGHT.

So today i asked Feeq, "Eh semalam kau pakai laptop aku, ada ape ape broke tak? Sebab aku nye side broke uh."
She replied, "Eh tak de ah. That time aku pakai semua ok ape..".
So yeah.. Ok lah.. Tak force things out-since im not sure how it happen also.

BUT you know...
JUST NOW i asked Abang, that laptop Asyura rosak.. Cannot on, and the side is broken.
Then abang check... and asked me, Then i say uh.. "Mungkin sabab asyura bukak and close ganas ke pe?"-he was thinking of that too uh.

Then! He checked some more, kata "Macam mana ini bole jadi gini ehh.. Mungkin JATUH agaknyer..."
Then he check the battery. AND yes. It was DENTED. (Isi terkopek).
So yeahh confirm jatuh punyer uh! Kalau jatuh terus HEMPAP uh.
My bro then says that my laptop JATUH... tu pasal Broken.. and "Dont tell me that bcoz you Bukak ganas.. ".. sebab ade DENT (at the battery side)... so yeahh, not my fault.
Mungkin they can still cover it but in the end the crack was already there therefore going to happen soon.

Then NOW, IM wondering...
Is it because of FEEQ? IF ITS my friend who did it uh.. Cause i lend to her
As yesterday she called to lend for Research Method Test- so NEED LAPTOP..
Then ok i lent her.
Then Feeq and Ayu send my laptop to my house-since i no more school and we kinda lives near.
-*while giving back i didnt look or realised their expression.

Because my laptop i cannot ON, i mintak Ayu who was at the Tutorial Corridor to borrow laptop TODAY, for Research Method test.
First i ask Ayu, "Boleh pinjam laptop?" beh.. Ayu kata "jap.." beh gi panggil/Shout to Feeq utk pinjam laptop/or sapa2 ade laptop boleh pinjam... Then she go inside the room, the door was closed... *a few mins of silence*.
Then macam LAMA sangat tunggu dia org keluar (macam naktaknak gitu).
Barulah... Ayu datang, & Ayu was the one who let me borrow Ayu's own laptop!

Does it have any meaning to it?
-Why is it Ayu who lent me Ayu's laptop and not FEEQ?

Dont you think its weird? And the sudden long waiting time to borrow? And the usually isn't it the borrower person itself to payback what the lender had loan-laptop?
-as in help help lah. Aku kasi kau pinjam, kau kasi aku pinjam balik uh.

I dont know kalau nak sangka baik ke buruk...
-shall ask them tmr!
But.. if it is true it broke, because JATUH!.. Then waddya want me to do?
-Mintak ganti rugi?
*I kept on WONDERING if they'll/she'll even bother or want to pay compensation fee uh!


Then just now.. My brother talked to me.
"Apasal Asyura pinjam orang.. kan jatuh.. Abang belikan laptop untuk asyura. Abeh ni jadi rosak.. Baru je 1 YEAR".

I SADDD :'((

Because the laptop means alot to me. My brother give it to me for my birthday.. and SAYANG Lahh! Memories ok.
Its like that feeling of, "Awww.. I disappointed someone*heartbroken**tears*" :'(
Really, really, i feel that way.

Im like.. Asyura.. Why did you lend to her?
But because i baik hati sangat and trust her i kasi lah pinjam. Lagipun ada test :'(which she called me around 2 hours before the test-which i thought of the option of want them/her to tanya orang lain).
So I got thought of rejecting uh but then.. The say, they'll send me the laptop back home, to my HOME you know! -since im going home then.
So apa salahnye?

Tapi tidak disangka, mungkin di perjalanan mereka, laptop kesayangan jatuh lalu dihempas ke lantai. Maka begitulah akhir cerita laptop kesayangan. :(
(sound sarcastic siak! -.- tau pun!)

Then abang somehow kata, "Kalau nak hantar repair.. mungkin tak boleh sebab.. macam tedious uh and susah payah uh orang tu nakk repair balik. Mungkin dia org taknak repair. Juga kalau repair pun, tak akan jadi sama as before. Also dia nye spare part lagi."
MEANING! By luck or no luck.. whether it'll be FIXED or NOT FIXED.
Wahh.. :(

*EDIT 8 June*
PS: I asked them wad happened already. And forget about the people i mentioned. Its not right to point them when they said they didnt do anything wrong. (: Im not blaming anyone now.
And yeahh just stating that the laptop is precious to me. Thats all.