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1:35 AM Thursday, June 28, 2012 back to top?

last night
Well last night, i meant 26th June, heeeh.. I was out real late in the night, and not because of driving. (since you know i drive in the night very late). hmm.

Went out with Adri, after A level class ended. (:
And you know.. its been a long time since ive been to the beach, so yeahh craving, out of the blue, that feeling of wanting to go there, so yes we went there.

So once class ended, Adri fetched me up from Masjid Kassim's bus stop, with his (family) car so yeah we reached.
Went to Mcdonald. The place changed already. Wow.. Its been so long since i went.
Talked and played games at Mcd.

Then once we bored with Mcd, and yes here comes the sea! hehehehe.
Yeah i loves the sea. But too bad, the place is quite dark hmmph.

So yeah me and him sat at a table bench there.
Though i somehow wish i were at Marina Barrage, since if im there it'd be nice to lie down. haha.
We sat and chatted. It feel nostalgic and very 'wow..i didnt know about it ' that kind of thing, you know?

It feels that we're growing up. Talking about stuffs which we never talked about as well as about our own age issues in our life. haha.
Macam.. Ive asked about his family.. its was more of... "Hey... you have a new mum isnt it?"  and thats how.. he talked about his family. I was 'wow-ed', yeah pretty amaze about him. Thats the thing about him, he keeps on making me amazed. Heees.

Oh then the talk about marriage suddenly brings up. hahaha.
Whats with me saying, "If i wasnt a nurse i'll become a student in pengajian Islam and leading that path, or i'll become a wife!". (;
So that was when Adri told me about his plans, like nows he's 22 and in year 1 Uni, and probably he finished school in at age 24/25, then what if he wants to go masters or he wants to go to that Islamic Banking school (that stuffs) univercity overseas etc, then he'll be 30+. Which by then his dilemma was being old but still not having a stable job/income-sort of.
He told me, if he wants to be married, he wants it so that he can be financially planned. Which he said, "Of course i want the best for my wife, i want to give", 'its okay if she works to help.. but its just that.. i'll feel something, like bad about it'.-Something like that.
So i asked, "Adri isnt that ego?!" Then he said.. 'no its not ego.. its that feeling of wanting to provide as a husband, right.'

Hehe. SubhanAllah. Sungguh baik orangnya kan.? ((: *grins wide.
Its true about what he said kan. Hehe.

Although in my head, some parts of me feels that, 'then youre gonna marry late right?' :( *buat sad face*. haha.
Then part of me wishes if only he knew about Allah, being an Al-Razak, the provider, the sustainer, the one who gives us rezeki... Im sure everything will fall into place. Thus this dilemma wont even be there right? Hmm...
Since im someone who believes in marriage-kan A Level dah learnt Munakahat hehe.
Whereby Allah suka pada pernikahan, dan rezeki datang dari Allah. Hmm there's this ayat in Al Quran,i forgot which ayat. Hmm... I'll find it soon, insyaAllah to prove my point.

Then.. Somehow part of me feels...
Aww... If it like that, about us.... Probably you know what i mean. Probably i'll be married earlier or so. Eventhough i know youre a good guy.

I mean, its not that im putting hopes on him, -haha okay a lil bit, but just the wondering the 'what-ifs'.
Then somehow.. if he's not the one, arent we going out together feels like its no use, to no avail? Thats the whole point right?
:/ Huhu.

But well, i appreciate him for who he is. And Fate, i dont know how it will turned out.
It feels like a discovery! A discovery of myself and the unknown. As well as having faith in whatever to come. InsyaAllah, ia baik. Hmm.


12:08 AM Tuesday, June 26, 2012 back to top?

Growing old
Hmm 23rd June 2012, was my brother, Abdur Rahman's wedding. They akad nikah on that day.
Then on 24th June 2012, was their Walimatul Urus.
SubhanaAllah. Alhamdulillah, atas pernikahan mereka. Halal-an dan Toyyiban. Hehe (:

Du'aa for the Newlyweds (Hisnul Muslim)

بَارَكَ اللَّه ُُ لَكَ، وَبَارَكَ عَلَيْكَ، وَجَمَعَ بَيْنَكُمَا فِي خَيْر.ٍ
‘May Allah bless for you (your spouse) and bless you, and may He unite both of you in goodness.’

Hmm.. Then the night on 24th June after everything finish, me and Kak Mai went to Kak Asiah's house. And OOOO WEEEE! I drove that BMW car! hehehe. My second time driving.
Yeapppp sooo fun, driving that car. hehe.
And.. awwwss.. Terharu bahawa Abang Zain kasi i pegang itu spare BMW spare key. HEHE ;D of course lah i suker and gembira. You know me.. Giler driving and speed. Wahaha.


Today as i reached home, seeing both my parents in the kitchen eating together the nasi briyani leftover from the wedding, and whats with my brother having 'left' the house, somehow it reminds me....
"Eh.. Mak Bapak aku dah semakin tua eh?" Yeah it dawns on me. Awww...
Ya Allah :'( ...

Im growing older, working full time and having a monthly salary already. And them, growing old being an elderly living their life -waiting. (You know what i mean?)
Its like a cycle. A carousel. When one's go up, the other one goes down, and vice-versa.

And now.. i really wonder... Life! How growing old will be like? Sometimes it feels scary, yet there are times of sadness and happiness. Memories.

Which reminds me of Syukur's dad. Innalillah wa innailahirajiun.
La Tahzan, InnaAllaha Ma'ana, wahai ahli keluarga Syukur.

Na'am. Uhibbuka fillah, ya Syukur. And insyaAllah i will always remember you in my Doa.
Andainya kau ditakdirkan bagiku, Alhamdulillah. Andainya tidak, maka sesungguhnya dia akan memberikan yang terbaik bagi kami. Bersangka baiklah.

*Syukur is the guy, who 'proposed' to me. Wanting to marry me.
Maafkan aku Syukur. Bukanlah aku tidak mahu. Sudikah kau menunggu? Namun aku tidak ingin membuatmu menuggu, justerulah aku hanya boleh mendoakan kau, supaya Allah memberikanmu seorang wanita, seorang isteri yang solehah, yang baik bagimu, yang dapat menggembirakanmu, yang akan jadi penyejuk hatimu, yang taat padamu, wahai (bakal) suami. InsyaAllah.

Dan pada kau juga, aku akan sentiasa doakan bahawa segala kekuranganmu  (yang baik) jika ia kurang maka Allah cukupkanlah, sempurnakanlah engkau. Jadikan kau seorang lelaki yang baik, yang lembut, penuh dengan kasih sayang dan keadilan, serta menjadi seorang suami yang akan menjadi imam kepada makmumnya serta menjadi khalifah keluarganya. Amin. (:

Thats why... Im thinking... If there is someone, who does his Daily prayers, 5 times per day, solat Jumuah, apabila dia berkata, dia berkata dengan lembut dan hikmah, dan bersikap kasih sayang, baik dan adil, serta seseorang yang dapat membimbingiku ke jalan menuju Allah, Seorang imamku dan khalifahku.. thus YES! 

Finding someone that will make me fall in love with Allah & Rasulullah.


11:33 PM Sunday, June 10, 2012 back to top?

Sabar akan penantian ini
Oh helloo! Im officially a مُمَرِضَة‎ 'Mumarridah'. Alhamdulillah.

Hmm... 2 years from now, with Allah plans, we'll see how it'll go in this life.
I have a plan.. Not a concrete one.

Remember ive once said,
"If i wasnt a nurse, i'll be a student (Studying ilmu Allah) or i'll be a wife!"
Im taking A level Pengajian Islam this year. InsyaAllah. I hope i can make it. Studying pengajian Islam is soo interesting actually! (:
May Allah increase me in knowledge which is beneficial for me and grant me understanding, as well as make me a humble person.

Im not sure where 2 years from now where i'll go...
  • Maybe i'll still be in nursing, or in a different career path?

  • Maybe i'll be workng overseas!, A nurse in Arab!? hehe.

  •  -You know...i have a plan, if i work overseas maybe somewhere near Mekah or Madinah. And if i have a house then i can invite my mum and dad to stay in my house so that they  can do their haji/umrah anytime! hehe. But Oh! 
    Im thinking, if i were to go Arab, i want go with my husband! Yes, husband, being married. How wonderful isnt it? Also the part of not being alone, thus having a husband, who is my knight in shining armour protecting me and loving me and saving me from harm. Heeees!

  • Maybe i'll be a student, still studying about Islam, paving my ways to the islamic path. A Diploma/Degree in pengajian Islam. Thus maybe changing of job towards the religious kind of job. Eg, Ustazah, counsellor, Employee in Faraidh/munakahat etc. InsyaAllah.

  • Or best of all! I'll be happily married! With my lovely husband, and having childrens. Twins hopefully! hehehe. Yes well, InsyaAllah. (;

  • All these are plans. I do not know if it'll go as planned.
    Because sometimes, along the way i may change my mind, or fall out of my planned pathways. Who knows. Hmm!

    يَا إِلَھِي وَمَلِيْكِي
    أنْتَ تَعْلَمُ كَيْفَ حَالِي
    Ya Ilahi, wa Malikii.  (O my Lord and my King)
    Anta Ta'lam kaifahali. (You know my state)

    InsyaAllah. I'll just keep on being a better person. Improving myself.
    Ouh, sometimes, what i wrote in my blog, are me trying and reminding myself to be a better person. But sometimes, i also fall, and am not doing the right things. So yes haizz.. May Allah guide me.