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11:59 PM Friday, July 30, 2010 back to top?

Jump in the pool of water!
Went to my School Health Service (SHS) attachment from 29-30 July.
To Greenridge Pri. I slept at Kak Asiah's house yesterday/today since it's located in the west, so yeah -Dont need to travel arnd 1 hour journey thus not being late :P.

It was ok. I like my NURSES. In my opinion, all of them are niceee. hehe.
Hmm.. Thank you Che' Ros, Sister, Fatimah, and another Ros and another nurse (i forgot your name) for making my day. haha.
-of course got other nurses just that im thankful for them. (:

Anyways, Just the usual thing, Check visual, injection for pri kids, audio hearing etc.
THEN! The best damn thing happened! :DDD :P

GR's library got flooded! It was around 10+am. Hahaha. Cause pipe burst due to the heavy rain.
Hence cannot continue checking/perform any activities. Gotta put on hold.
The water wasnt like swimming pool lah! hahaha. Just so so. Can walk along the pool of water.
Then me and my classmates, total of 5 of us, took pictures. hahaha. They even took pictures with the nurses. hahahaha.

Nurse Fatimah veryy funny! hahaha. It was funny when she wanna took pictures of Sister wearing Crocs shoe haha. (Since she dont want to spoil her shoe). haha.
Then she said, "Wahahaha.. Got evidence Sister wearing Croc shoe.. " Lols -.-

Since today is half day in-lieu of nurses day for 1st August, we went off the school at around 11.30+Am. We headed to HPB. So yeahh. Hahs

My classmate, those two-s kept on complaining on how was wasting time we all had to go to the school. Due to the flood and the half day issue etc.
BUT TO ME, it was pretty much ok. Haha. I still enjoyed my time. Waste time of course I enjoy too.

Anyway, when i looked at the kids, well some are lovely, cute etcs. Haha.
Then it reminded me of when i was p6 or is it p5, i took an injection. I still remembered that it felt like an insect bite when the needle was poke through.. and then numb later, and when the needle have already taken out.. first numb then suddenly "Urghh" pain. hahahahaha :P

Ok lahh today. Just waste time in HPB.
Im still not good with my classmate, esp those 2.- i have no idea what they think of me. Haha.
But i ok, chill je. Maybe because i tak tau apa nak berbual dengan mereka. Hees. (:
Pardon me.

Talking about primary school. Honestly, it was veryy 'engaging' i would comment. Haha.
As the paintings are all primary school paintings which would fit how a pri school kid draws. Understand? Hees.

Its like.. When i was in the my childhood times, i drew my Art & Craft like 'Children's drawing'. Then when i grew older i began to draw from complex to abstract drawing. So yeahh. Hee.
There's a different about our stages of life we've gone through yea? (:

I kinda remembered those times, when i was in Primary School, my ART was the best! My art even got put up in the notice board outside the General Office ok! hahaha :DD
But as i grew on to Secondary sch, i dont really like Art due to the Theme and the lame portfolios. So yeahh. Haha :P

Honestly, i dont like comparing people, saying if that nurse is good or not or whatsoever.
To me everyone have their own individuality, so just respect them lah.
Dont complain say she/he is no good etc. But of course we have to understand and be rational first and see the situation if that person is really no good. So yeah hees (:
Anyway, you, stop complaining and boasting.
Youre not perfect, darling. And so am I.


11:59 AM Wednesday, July 28, 2010 back to top?

Congratulation Babe!
CONGRATULATION to me, ASYURA for finally getting sponsored! :DDD
I shall remember 28 JULY 2010. (:

Im sponsored im sponsored im sponsored, by CGH. Hehe.
Like FINALLY, BABYY! heeee~

I'll get my pay on 5th september -for the august pay, and on 25 september for my september pay. (im not really sure how they do it lah. hehs).
Yeaa baby $900 per month :DD HEHEHHEHE!

*I guess i like looking at money :P heh heh.

Hmm.. so today, finally at 530pm!
My dad, my brother and myself.. We went to CGH HR department & signed the Official document. (:
Thank you dad and bro, i will do well. I know i must do well. I dont wanna stayed behind. I know that im doing the right choice.
Thank you Allah! Alhamdulillah (:

I will be bonded to CGH for 2 years, and i cannot quit nursing or else i must pay the "fee" of more than $22k. -Duh.. i wont quit. i tak mau susahkan my guarantors ok! hehe.

Hmm.. I kinda feel pressured to do well. Which i think its a good thing, a push, a motivation for me to excel. Hehe.
Of course pressure is pressure but come on, lets take it positively and one step at a time (;

All i know now is, Do one step at a time. and Increase knowledge. Be positive about people and others. hehe.

-somehow, im thinking.. darns, september is soo long. man.. i wished it was august i got my pay. hahaha :P

So yeaapp. Thank you to everyone who have been supporting me.
Especially to Wan, Ayu, Shila & Dila.- I love you guys tau! *muackz* Heees.

Good night.


10:58 PM Tuesday, July 27, 2010 back to top?

Berduga & marah
Well a thing happened today. Not that big, but just a lil bit sakit hati.
So after praying Ishak, i just flipped through my Quran wondering what page will i read. Here goes! (:

Surah Al Jaatsiyah (yang berlutut), 45:15, juz 25;

مَنۡ عَمِلَ صَـٰلِحً۬ا فَلِنَفۡسِهِۦ‌ۖ وَمَنۡ أَسَآءَ فَعَلَيۡہَا‌ۖ ثُمَّ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكُمۡ تُرۡجَعُونَ (١٥

Barangsiapa yang mengerjakan amal yang saleh maka itu adalah untuk dirinya sendiri, dan barangsiapa mengerjakan kejahatan, maka itu akan menimpa dirinya sendiri, kemudian kepada Tuhanmulah kamu dikembalikan.

Whoso does right, does it for his own soul; and whoso does wrong, does so to its detriment. Then to your Lord will you all be brought back.

So yeahh.. i shouldnt take what happened today to heart yea! Hees, thanks (:

Hmm.. Today, Fadhil, my ward PRCP colleague, asked me:
"Asyura kau tak pernah marah eh?"
"huh... hmm entah.. huh" -*thinking apa yang dia kata ni...
"As in marah patient?.."
"Hmm tak uh..."
"Oh. You must be stern.. Jangan *shows-hand-being-lembut-lembut*
Jadi macam dia (referring to Su), saya kata Boleh tolong.. Dia kata NAK APA!? *Acts like angry gangster with both hands behinds back*"

-So yeahh i get wad Fadhil means hees.

Haha. Well, thank your for advising me. & thank you for noticing me. (:

Do you know who i am now?
I dont know why.. but really.. I dont really and rarely get angry.
But in the past when i got angry i was mostly pissed off, i dont really shout or maki hamun to people badly. I was just frustrated/angry with the situation.
-Lets see, so far i last fought was with my sis and bro that was when i was a kid, i kick them and stuffs. BUT! I will always cry whenever that angry comes for which im in the battlefield. As always, sometimes i do think its useless to fight back, because everytime i fight back i'll always lose to them. So thats why the frustration makes me cry! So yeahh.
Oh wells, nowadays.. Its just that somethings -in my opinion- i really dont take note of it. HAHS. So dont bother. Take it easy.

PS. I DO SHOUT! But angry to the max is rare. Hahs. Imma no pushover. Hehs.
"Laa Taghdhob, Janganlah Kau Marah!" - Isnt that what we're taught in Tazkiyah Nafs? (:
-But of course certain things i know that there should be scolding.


12:54 AM Saturday, July 24, 2010 back to top?

down to earth
Hmm... I wanna sleep.
Too tired. But must pray first.

Attachment hospital in the morning from 7am-3pm. Most of my patients went home today. Aww..
I miss them. Im glad to have met them. I hope they're well and taking care of theirself.

Then at 5.30pm, went FA work. Mannn.. I was in deep tired.
During my 30 minutes break, i slept siaaa... Haha.
My leg was hurting. Hmm.

Now darns him. :(


1:12 AM Friday, July 23, 2010 back to top?

Havent i told you
So today, while going home in the night..
My mind wanders off for a few seconds/minutes!

"Its like.. Ive always been going home along.
And its not that fun or entertaining walking alone.
I wish i could have something or someone to look forward to or something..."

So i was thinking, Man.. Today isnt it a Thursday?
Oh yeahh.. Maybe i'll probably see Enda, later... Maybe, hopefully? haha
But wait.. Nah.. its too late! I think he might have gone already.
Oh wells.

And then, coincidentally i saw Enda in the bus. Awww... Sweet! HAHA.
-Well i dont know whether you saw me in the bus, but i definitely saw you. HAHA :P
While walking down the bus and walking pass Enda, WE smiled and waved at each other.
Happily ever after.~~ (: Hehehe.

See, havent i told you about coincidentally. Man.. I love this! (:
Well.. Its an encounter which made me smiled at the end of the day. So yeahh.
Thank you.

Lots of things happened today. (:

Can i have someone to look forward to in times when i need you to be?


1:52 AM Monday, July 19, 2010 back to top?

TWO things ! :D

  1. Vlandra
  2. FA work frienship.

Ok, i'll start with the less interesting to the most interesting first. haha.
*lets create suspense!* :P haha.

Okok, so work for yesterday and today was pretty much good.
For yesterday, saturday.. Closing with Loremae and Jen. Haha. Had a great time time laughing along with them. They soo funny and suka menyakat, hehe. We went home by the same train going to East side. haha.

Today, sunday was super busy. Sales target reached $1900+ .. Man.. lagi sikit lagi dapat $2k sey. :P haha. Oh wells! It was busy, then near to the closing time around 9plus, lesser customers.
So anyway, Me, Jeannie and Juli (my manager) we MAKE COOKIE CAKES! hehe woohoo..

My first beautiful attempt in writing/doing cookie cake! Weees :DD. Not bad for a first/or second attempt. hehe. -OK yang first itu tak counted ok! (:
Alright, so for me i wrote "I MISS YOU" -in a heart shaped cookie! hehe Awww.. ;D
Whereas Jeannie wrote "I 'drawHEART-SHAPE' U Goodbye." -in other words, 'I love you, goodbye'. HAHAHAHAHA.
Then Juli was like.. 'ape ni.. so merepek!' hahaha :DD
Me and Jeannie thought we'd do.. 'Ok asyura, you do "I miss you" then, jeannie will do "I love you good bye". Haha so yeah.

Ok lahhh.. I like the I MISS YOU heart shaped cookie. I think i did good lah. Not bad. hehe.
Nice-nice, so so lah, haha. (;

Key word: I miss you. Hees.

2nd topic: Vlandra.

Well anyway, in madrasah.. Vlandra was sitting across me.
Hahaha awww.... Omggg!

I have no idea how or why am i attracted to a guy's finger.
In my mind i was thinking "His fingers/hands are BEAUTIFUL!". Really really, hehehhe.

Maybe because part of me thinks that, its warm holding hands with someone. HAHA! :P
Ok sshhhh. Hehe. -seperti apa yang terjadi pada August yang lalu.

So i msged Annisaa, since she didnt come.

Annisaa.. Vlandra sitting next to me (with a gap)-faham2kan lah. Then kan... Kyaaaa~~ I like his hand/finger! :D The way he wears his watch, awww... Too bad, i didnt see him wearing his ring haha :P

-Which i dont know why.. but to me it is so Sexy (;

She replied:
Oi you kau tengok ni?!! Hahaha! Finger pun cantik ke? Tsk you're easy to please, =,=

Hahahaha. Aww.. the littlest things in life are the most beautiful things, darling (;

She replied:
Psychotic man you! ...... Lol.

Alright man. Shall stop here. (:
Good nites.


1:52 AM Thursday, July 15, 2010 back to top?

let me sleeeep
Well, i cant really sleeepp! Grr... -.-
I tried closing my eyes, but my mind WILL think! *sigh*

Im thinking about today's event! Lots of thing happened to do. Well mostly good ones- positively, i guess.
Like, wound dressing an MRSA patient, then passing of report, then that female patient requesting me, then that rapport with patients, then my new ITE friend cum Ex-Damaian senior. Woahhh.. haha. I think its nice (:
-Thank you Allah.

Just now, while praying, so i was thinking and hoping (haha) :

Thank you God for today.
Please please, i hope i dont have any diseases or getting infected by anything! Please let me be healthy. -Because i am scared if i got any unwanted diseases or even died-cause i havent ready too~.~
I hope my life will go smoothly. Let me be humble and sincere - I shall try.
I hope i can pass out as a good Staff Nurse. Yeahhh :D
Oh yeahh, im still scared of things, so please Watch and guide me ok? (;

-Yeaaa.. Seee! My worries! Therefore the lotsa things in my mind. hehe.
Hmm so after work, when back home and then get ready-eat-go out of house- then go FA work. haha. Crazy Workaholic woman yea -.-

Hmm.. When came in FA i was quiet and no mood.
Then at night or when serving customer then i changed 180degrees!-.- Seriously.
I speak with this lively tone. Then after quite some time, i get used to speaking, then dont know how suddenly happy, i hummed the song Hijau Daun - Setiap detik while slightly dancing and swaying ~.~ HAHA!

Oh yeahh, then there was this one customer, i served the couple. AND the most shy thing is..
I THINK i speak CUTELY while serving! HAHAHA -not purposely, i guess i was happy and then the sound came off like that!?. Haha.
Then the guy was like "Ehh cute nyee..." . then i was like.. "-.- *hide behind the shelf/bin*". Then after finish packing i say "Thank you" quietly. haha.
So i asked Jeannie, my colleague.. "Jeannie.. Is my voice really that cute? i dont think i sound like that..". Then she replied "Your voice like a little baby..."
--.--" YES, astoundingly!

Hmmm.. Thank God, Juli put me on opening morning shift on next Saturday! If not.. Everyday i go back home at 1000-1130pm. Due to Hospital work finish at 9pm or hospital morning shift then FA work in the evening till night time. So yeah.. At least that saturday, i go back home at 5pm and can do some work and sleep!~ ((: Weeehee~~


Ever think of Marriage? HAHAHAHA.
Like your future husband, what will it be like? Temperament, personality etc? How you want him or things to be like?
Or even, how is your house like? A house of garden maybe? hahaha.

Also just now.. While on my FA break, i passed by the "Heart To Heart" jewellery shop.
And.. You guessed it! ((; - I TRIED the rings. DUHHH! hahaha.
Awwww... Cute. Prettyy nice.. Sparkling. Lovely!

So i was like..
"Wahh this is nice.. but its too shiny.
How about everyday use?, eh i think this red is nicer than blue i think but wait both colours also nice. Ahh geezz everything also nice! God damn it. Mata rambang seyyyy!~~"
So yeahh.. Imagine it when i grow older or i have more money, maybe i'll spend on jewellery or so. HAHA.
Or wait! What if romantically your future boyfriend bought for you a ring, and You're the one who choosed it!? It'll be AWWWWWWWWWW...! *insert-lotsa-LOVES-here*!

HAHAHHA! Lotsa imagination of one day! hahaha.

I want to sleep. Good nite. I hope i WILL sleep promptly!


11:59 PM Monday, July 12, 2010 back to top?

Im having hosp attachments starting from now till 3 weeks later. A total of 4 weeks.
And im SCARED! :( - :'(

Im still wary, cautious, feeling kinda of lack in knowledge. Urghh.

I guess the bottomline is: TAKE THINGS ONE STEP AT A TIME.
Insyaallah, i hope so.

That hospital still havent called me for signing form.
Gosshh when the hell they gonna call me??.

But ehh.. im thinking.. You know the phrase:
"If you lambat-lambatkan kerja Allah, Allah akan lambat-lambatkan your permintaan"-Something like that...
Well, im sorryy ok ya Allah. Pleaseee let it come true.
Jika permintaan itu baik untuk ku; maka peruntukkanlah apa yang terbaik untuk diri ku.

Im not totally exhausted. Just Restless. * sob sob*.
-Maybe its like, i have this path. But, it is hard as i cant see the end of the road. So i just kept on walking walking walking, wondering where the road gonna lead me, and questioning if am i walking the right way.

Anyway, Madrasah already started. Haha. Wees!~
I like going madrasah, there's new things i learnt. haha. Although i kept on being late :P
Whereby, the first week-i didnt come -.- thought it was the next week.
2nd week (2 days ago) - I came BUT skipped the first period (late), then came in for 2nd lesson onwards.

Well, man.. Ustazah Haslinda lagi uh. hahaha. ok takper ;D
Ohh i like Tazkiyah Nafs Ustaz. New teacher uh.. but lesson interesting jugak. haha.

My intention in coming madrasah may not be good. haha!
As sometimes or mostly my motivation in coming may well probably be another Reason. Hahahaha.

Also awww.. Jawad's quitting. Scuks uh. hahaha.
No more *ahem* mr guy nice-voice to listen when he speaks. XP
-i know you dont know: those four letter -that similarity. Hees.


8:27 PM Sunday, July 4, 2010 back to top?

Hmmm (:
Langit tak selalunya cerah ^.^

Its beeen a very pretty long week for me. Lotsa up an down here and there. haha.
I was tired. But today, sunday i finally had a break, a day off just for myself.

Im sorryy Annisaa that i didnt go out with you today.
Dont heartbroken sorry.

I had already planned about today's event: Going to Adonis, to the cinema watch Twilight movie, and then we'll go eat that favourite Yoghurt! (: hehe.

Sadly, i didnt make an appointment with Adonis itself as, i actually remembered! But it just that the whole time the past few days i was outside and working. So yeahh. Even yesterday, at home going to work i told myself dont forget to call Adonis, in the end at my workplace i remembered that i forgot to take down the call number. So i decided its ok, i'll call them today sunday in the morning. Ended up, i was pretty lazy and was sleeping in the morning. So much for "Doing it Tomorrow". Oh wells.

Hmm what else?
The past few days was nerve-wracking, and i complaint alot, yet now im ok. (: hehe.
Talking about Sociology was stressful, yet we managed to do it. And MY group presentation-which was on Monday- was Good, Lecturer says we did better than the other group who presented. Hoorayyy! haha.
YEAA i know that im a demanding group leader and the tak-tentu-arah-kind. Still im proud that i sacrifice my time just for this-umm the meeting and emails and phoning. Hehe.
Maaf atas segala kesilapan yang ada pada saya. Heee!

I read my blog, my past posts. The 2007-2010. Haha.
Especially the first 2007-2008 post lah. I feeeeeeeeel Very AWKWARD and Urghh and EWWW. HAHA! Well what to do?- A maiden's stories :P hahaha.
-Suck a kid man my post. (Well obviously lah kann.. Dulu2 ada ape sey revolves around my life. Love, school, Studies&Exams. Blerrghh.)

Hmm lagi ape?
Somehow, its FUNNY! I really think that time flies by so fast. HAHA.
CANT BELIEVE THAT IM NOW IN YEAR 2! -haha yess baru sekarang i realized and admit it. haha.
Just another 1 more week of school.
4 weeks of attachment.
Then 3 weeks of break.
Followed by 3 weeks of attachment.
There, Exam periods. Hmmm surprise surprise.

Im listening to Saiful blog's music. Chehh. Cant believe that most songs are my songs which i used to heard. Haha. Oh wells, reminisce. -Man.. i like Eminem ft Rihanna - Love the way you lie.

Psstt. I guess he's enjoying life right now. I should stop, about myself. (: