2:22 AM
Monday, February 20, 2012 back to top?
emotional feelings
Ive been emotional for the past few days. :'(
Been crying when i think of some things.
Like the dosa i telah buat,The nikmat yang telah diberikan,Tentang Allah dan tentang Rasul.Subhanallah.Longing and clinging.Tadi i remembered this Ayat:
That they may understand my speech. While i was writing down this ayat, Masyaallah, everthing else, what ive been feeling of just fits in. and yeah tears rolled down my cheeks.Its amazing how words could pull or even bring you up.
8:11 PM
Monday, February 13, 2012 back to top?
future husband. hees.
A woman's du'a for her future husband ♥
O Allah! Please grant me the one Who will be the garment for my soul Who will satisfy half of my deen And in doing so make me whole Make him righteous and on your path In all he'll do and say And sprinkle water on me at Fajr Reminding me to pray May he earn from halal sources And spend within his means May he seek Allah's guidance always To fulfill all his dreams May he always refer to Qur'an and the Sunnah as his moral guide May he thank and appreciate Allah For the woman at his side May he be conscious of his anger And often fast and pray Be charitable and sensitive In every possible way May he honor and protect me And guide me in this life And please Allah! Make me worthy to be his loving wife And finally, O Allah! Make him abundant in love and laughter In taqwa and sincerity In striving for the hereafter! May Allah grant all the Muslim sisters with such husbands... Ameen ya rab! :) ♥
11:59 PM
Friday, February 10, 2012 back to top?
Dalam diam aku tertarik dengan sifatnya, ilmunya, akhlaq, kecantikannya, gaya pemakaiannya & keanak-anakannya… Aku diam, diam kerana aku tahu dia milik ALLAH, aku hanya perlu minta kepadaNYA..
So today i met Nadzeef, my friend.
Listening to his stories about his love stories, well... aku rasa cemburu jugak. Haha.
He says that he's trying to win the girl by getting through the Girl's family. And that he likes/loves her because of her Akhlaq and not for her looks.
Masyaallah. Bagus kan?
Then at a point in time, somehow i feel terlalu kecil, terlalu kerdil diri ini.Sementara aku, aku cinta kan seseorang itu dengan secara diam.Yang aku tahu, aku sungguh sangat lemah, jauh daripada wanita yang dia suka. As in perbezaan aku dengan wanita itu mungkin amat ketara. Sungguh baik wanita yang di pujangga itu kan?
Yea, all i have to do is to always improve myself. To be a better person, a better muslimah. Insyaallah (:------
Oh, lepas tu kawan saya itu kan!
Dia ada motorbike sey. Oh gosshh dah ada class 3 license kereta beh dah ada license motor. Masyaallah, best nye!
Hmm, sekali lagi aku pun cemburu juga. Sebab dia dah ada
'vehicle'. -though i prefer cars to bike lah! OH i soo wanna have a car!
Lepastu, dia tanya kalau Asyura nak tumpang tak? He didnt actually said "Jomm", he just said "Well up to you lah..". (antara mahu dan tidak mahu - i feel that way).Hmm... Well, macam not bad the offer since im a lazy person.. tapikan... That point in time, i feel that it is not right. Mane boleh, lelaki dan perempuan yang bukan mahram berduaan lalu akan bersentuh tangan/badan, since you noe lah bikes kan?!Also, i feel 'Takpelah... Its not right, lagipun what if the girl he likes/loves knows that he lets some girl tumpang kat belakang motor tu, kan tak bagus/baik kan? Biarlah, the one he tumpang is someone who's already a mahram to him' Heeh - you know what i mean, his wife! hehe :3So i said "Takpelah, taknak uh...", as i watch him ride the bike as i too left the place on my own.
2:45 AM
Thursday, February 2, 2012 back to top?
fleeting joy
Ever had a fleeting moment?
Whereby at one moment, you're happy, giggling and smiling to yourself.
Yet after a moment, reality sinks in saying, 'what you're happy about? You noe it won't happen. And that the one you've thought about won't actually be yours truly? And even it probably wont happen in real life?'
In other words, I guess, you lied to yourself. *I guess* Thus the dissappointment.
Yea.. well there goes the fleeting joy, which lasted for a few short moments, leaving you with dissapointment.
Yet somehow there's a part of you which is hopeful, although there is always the word 'Yet'.