11:26 PM
Sunday, July 29, 2012 back to top?
Aww.... Mungkin at the end part, part of me felt frustrated that i couldnt speed.
And part of me being stupid stopping late and not being aware.
Of course i kept quiet, when critics were said. And when asked why i didnt do it or did what i did.. Well part of me somehow couldnt answer the question(s). Hmm...
Driving. Well i need to pleased my passenger/insrtuctor! Heeehh ~.~
Aww reminds me of driving with Hazrin, so fun. (:
& im talking about that BMW CAR.
I can drive alone only when he is satisfied with my driving... Need more practice amd awareness.
11:02 PM
Monday, July 23, 2012 back to top?
Your hand held tight
As i held your right hand… while you were (half) asleep
I held it tight, with warmth and with love.
Thoughts of if I could be by your side, if i could accompany you, if i
could be your One, if i could be your soulmate the one youre searching
for, if i could be your beloved and as well.. Your dear wife.
I wish. I hope. I want. I need.
But there was a tinge of sadness felt.
The ‘what-if’ which is unpredictable. Un-beknown to us.
As i held your hand tight,
My heart yearns for you. My heart whispers of words of “Uhibbukka fillah” (i love you because of Allah) softly and dearly….
The thought of if we’re not meant for each other, Dear god,
Ya Allah
please protect him, guide him and watches over him. Bring him happiness
and lighten his burdens whenever its hard for him to carry.
Ya Allah, please make him to remember you, to give thanks to you and to
always worship you. Make him closer to you and you closer to him.
Ya Allah.. For what is to come.. Aku redha atas takdirmu.
Aku redha. Aku redha. Aku redha.
Bismillahi Tawakkaltu a’lAllahi!
Ya Allah sayangilah dia.
Sunday 22/7/20120, at 930pm, 2nd Ramadhan, my dear Nenek Teh meninggal dunia.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiuun.
Today, i didt follow them to masjid and to kubor, as im having haidh. So stayed at rumah maksu and jaga rumah and jaga Encik Radi. (: Hees.
When my uncles, aunties and cousins reached maksu house... It was very aww touching (: Ukhuwwah fillah!
When nearing to buka time, as i saw Ikmal laying down on the sofa, i came to him. And somehow our hand touched. I held it tight as if caressing... :'(
As the Maghrib azan came,MasyaAllah our families are soo lovely and soo kecoh-ness.
Laughter and smiles.
Solat Maghrib and around 830+pm me and my family went home.
As Fatin, my cousin sent(drive)Wan and me and my mum and Husna..
I sent Wan towards his block lift, we hug and We kissed each other. Aww..
While walking i received a text.
21:13hrs, It read:
Thank you for holding my hand while i sleep.. Held my hand with love.. I can feel it..
I replied:
Hehe. Awws...
Uhibbuka fillah! (:
and i really meant what i said. SubhanaAllah.
Somehow, today i really feel this emotion of love for the people around me.
For this loves comes from Allah. And Alhamdulillah, for Allah letting me feel this love.
12:24 AM
Monday, July 16, 2012 back to top?
Doa when in difficulties
11:29 PM
Sunday, July 15, 2012 back to top?
InnAllaha Ma'assobireen
Tadi petang aku tulis ini
Ana targhdob! la afham! la a'rif! la adri!
InnaAllaha ma assobireen.
You noe it when ure angry at everything and you dun know about everything and you dun understand about everything…
Yet you are angry.. But… You know this angriness or this mixed-up feelings is just for a moment. Its not for you to be angry. You musnt scold the fact that it already happened or have not yet happened. (July 15th, 2012 4:14pm)
I was very sad, well it was because of work.
Ya Allah please forgive me, for my lack of ihsan, my kesabaran and my iman. :'(
It was like, even if i were to explain the reason, they wouldnt understand and words just wont be accepted, so i just kept quiet. Kept quiet, through gritted teeth while telling myself to sabar.
If i knew, i would have done it better. Maafkan aku atas kekuranganku.
Dan tadi aku marah/tepuk insan yang lemah :(
I didnt actually cry during work, nak dekat nangis but tahan only.
So ive missed Zohor prayer, and Asar. When i came back home it was Asar.
As i reached home, i just want to lie down and forget about things. And as i lie down, i slept, until Ishak.
So there Asar and Maghrib was missed. Maafkan aku Ya Allah.
During Ishak, before praying i read the Quran. Istikharah dengan Al-Quran.
Menginginkan kata-kata Allah, minta Allah petunjuk and His Mercy.
-Oh gossh eventhough ive calmed down after reading Quran, im still crying while writing this post. Ana sedih. :'(
Dan berkata dalam KalamNya Alquran:
Ada beberapa yang Allah bilang, tapi i write the summary only okay.
As usual before i turn to the page i minta Doa kepada Allah, selawat kepada Nabu Muhammad S.A.W, then i turned to the page my hand reached.
Surah HUD was turned, Ayat 89 to 123 was read till the end.
Surah Hud, ayat 112: Maka tetaplah kamu pada jalan yang benar, sebagaimana diperintahkan kepadamu dan (juga) orang yang telah taubat beserta kamu dan janganlah kamu melampaui batas. Sesungguhnya Dia Maha Melihat apa yang kamu kerjakan.
Surah Hud, ayat 114: Dan dirikanlah sembahyang itu pada kedua tepi siang (pagi dan petang) dan pada bahagian permulaan daripada malam. Sesungguhnya perbuatan-perbuatan yang baik itu menghapuskan (dosa) perbuatan-perbuatan yang buruk. Itulah peringatan bagi orang-orang yang ingat.
Surah Hud, Ayat 115: Dan bersabarlah, kerana sesungguhnya Allah tiada menyia-nyiakan pahala orang yang berbuat kebaikan.
Surah Hud, Ayat 121-122: Dan katakanlah kepada orang orang yang tidak beriman: " Berbuatlah menurut kemampuanmu; sesungguhnya kami pun berbuat (pula)". Dan tunggulah (akibat perbuatanmu); sesungguhnya kami pun menunggu (pula)".
Surah Hud, Ayat 123: Dan kepunyaan Allah-lah apa yang ghaib di langit dan di bumi dan kepadaNyalah dikembalikan urusan-urusan semuanya, maka sembahlah Dia, dan bertawakkallah kepadaNya. Dan sekali-kali Tuhanmu tidak lalai dari apa yang kamu kerjakan.
Peringatan untuk diriku sendiri.
Tentang Allah Maha melihat segalanya. Tentang berbuat baiklah nescaya akan dibalas.
Dan ingatilah akhirat, maka aku dengan pendirianku mereka dengan pendirian mereka, maka berpegang teguh lah kepada Allah dan Rasaulullah S.A.W.
Dan kepunyaan Allah-lah yang ghaib di langit dan di bumi, serta bertawakkal-lah (berserah dirilah) kepadaNya dan sembahlah Allah Tuhan semesta alam. Sesungguhnya kepada Dia kami kembali.
Dan paling mustahak ialah, tiada kelalaian bagi Allah, tiada sifat Dhoif(lemah) bagiNya. Sesungguhnya manusia itu lemah dan sangat pelupa.