6:15 PM
Sunday, February 3, 2013 back to top?
Tentang Istikharah
Pernahkah aku menceritakan tentang seorang wanita yang tidak pernah aku melihat dan menjumpainya, namun begitu, dia seorang yang sangat aku mengangumi.
Apabila dia 19 tahun, dia telah menerima ikatan 'Bertunang', demi Allah, demi membahagiakan keluarganya.
Dan apabila dia 20 tahun, dia mengahwini pemilik tulang rusuknya itu, suaminya, soulmate.
Dan kini dia sedang mengandung seorang anak didalam rahimnya yang walaupun tidak dilihat namun cintanya sangat mendalam.
Check out her
Dena Bahrin's blog. MasyaAllah!
Ive missed these kinds of stories. For it made me feel that fairytale truly exists (:
Terdapat seorang kawanku, dengan serta merta, aku dapat tahu bahawa dia telah bertunang. MasyAllah. Sukanya aku, gembiranya aku atas kebahagiannya. Though i wish i too am in a relationship -Tunang/kahwin, i mean.
And she told me, how eventhough that point in time she was attached with another person, but everyday she would do her solat istikharah. Until her questions we answered by Allah, after she accepted this tunang, her fiancee currently.
It makes me feel.. Awww... Isnt Allah the greatest?
There is this phrase, which i loved very much:
"Oh Allah! For you are the best of givers. So gives me the best."
Heees (:
Ive been talking with
R lately.
And i know this is a very bad-which is frowned upon by Allah- relationship.
Though my heart deep inside me shouts not to fall into, yet there is a part of me which keeps on grabbing onto it, not wanting to let go.
I am scared. Very scared.
Oh Allah forgives me, for you are the most forgiving. And guide me and him, Ya Allah.
If he's not meant for me, make our hearts as far away as possible. Makes us fall into your love, Allah.
For indeed loving someone deeply is when we both love each other for the sake of Allah.
I need to make my move. Definitely. Though i dont want him to get hurt.
Oh Allah, guide our hearts and do not disheartened our heart. Gives us patience and redha :'(
But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not. (Al Baqarah-216).